Wednesday, February 22, 2012

what you should consider when trading in your car/truck.

So, when you’re driving down the road and see that fancy Mercedes up ahead what do you begin thinking?  Well, I’ll tell you what mine is, “I want that car.”  Then you realize: Darn it, it just pulled up next to me and I’m in my Scooby-Doo van. Well, while you may feel a little discouraged about your Mystery Machine, don’t fret. Just trade in Scooby for a newer model, but don’t go without some advice.

   So here are a few things to consider for your trade-in and things that the dealers tend to look for:

·         Get an estimate first – You need to know where you’re standing before you go to the dealer. Go online to ; this is one of the best sites to get a car’s value. Here on Kelly Blue Book you can factor in different variables to figure out an estimated value of your car. Knowing a little bit of your vehicle history may be required. This gives you a starting point, base price so to say. Now, when you go for you check-ups and encounter problems, you can subtract the cost of repairs from your total value to figure out if it is cheaper to fix your car, or just to go trade it in as is.

·         Looks – While you think those ten million bumper stickers are fashionable, the dealer just looks at that and thinks, “how much is going to cost me to get that 70s goo off there.”  Clean your car up a little because this can serve a cosmetic and financial benefit.  Who wants to buy a car that has paint peeling off of it ever since the 1980s ended?  I have even heard of cases where it was cheaper to buy the used car than repainting the old one. It is something you just have to look into. Would you eat a burger with a crushed bun?  Remember: looks sell. Your interior is a selling point too. Those tears in the seat are cheaper to sew than replace as a whole.

·         Dents – Dents take a huge toll on trade-in value, and also how the dealer looks at the car and you as a driver. Dents not only drop the value, but also can raise your rates on the vehicle you desire. Look into proper repair jobs by professionals. Replacing fenders, quarter panels, and hoods with dents can raise the value of the car on just cosmetic value alone.

·         Maintenance – That rattling under the hood isn’t always a good sign. You need to go to a local mechanic that you trust and fix/ service anything that may be a concern. A cracked muffler is easily replaced, but if the dealer finds that your engine block is cracked or you are leaking fluids, the price for your Van or any vehicle will significantly decrease. 

   These are just a few things I have encountered from my own personal experiences. Be prepared to do some research, if you want the most for your trade-in.

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