Thursday, February 9, 2012

The ends and outs of being a Top Safety Pick

The candy red Toyota Prius drives around the sharp corner at a blazing speed. In reality, the Prius is moving just a hair over a slug’s top speed. The Prius stops. The car is positioned to show off the fancy brakes while “smoke” rolls off the tires.  So what’s the point? Well, obviously, it is to show that the Prius is a fast and safe car.  Then, in bright white letters, the slogan “Voted #1 for being a top safety pick” appears across the TV screen.

   Top safety pick (TSP), so what companies are saying is ‘hey come spend your money with Toyota and your chances of surviving a car crash will decrease.’ Because it uses the word safe of course.

   I have always wanted to know is who decides what is “safe” and what isn’t “safe”?

   The IIHS picks what is considered safe.  According to the IIHS, the organization is an “independent, nonprofit, scientific, and educational organization dedicated to reducing the losses — deaths, injuries, and property damage — from crashes on the nation's highways.” What is the job of the workers at the IIHS then?

   The site information explains the history, the tests, and goals they seek to accomplish which I won’t go into detail about I will that to you readers.  Cars like the Prius for example: the website declares a series of letters such as “G”, “A”, “M”, or “P” which stand for “Good”, “Acceptable”, “Marginal”, or “Poor”.  So in a front crash scenario, the Prius had received a “G” for example.  More details on the Prius review or other cars can be found here:

   Is having a Top Safety Pick important?  Well, if you care about your family and or passengers, then yes. You get a TSP award if you pass all the sections that the IIHS in their four required sections. Their sections are based on performance in high-speed front and side crash tests, a rollover test, plus evaluations of seat/head restraints for protection against neck injuries in rear impacts.

   Just because your 2012 Ford Mustang didn’t get a TSP award doesn’t mean it isn’t a safe car.  Just according to the IIHS it has some areas for improvement.  There are even occasions when certain tests haven’t been conducted on the vehicles in question yet.  Just so you know I’m not bashing on the pony cars here they have a very good frontal crash rating.

   There is your insight into the world of what a Top Safety Pick is, how it is determined, and their grading scale.  Good luck and drive safely 

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